You and your zombie horde are out to conquer the world. How can you NOT like it?

User Rating: 8 | Zombie Tycoon PSP
You play a mad scientist, with typical mad scientist hopes & dreams of being evil and ruling the planet. What better way to do that than controlling squads of zombies to terrorize the world, city by city?

In this Mini game, you control up to 3 squads of zombies from a bird's eye view of the city. The overall goal is to trash each town and destroy the living. Along the way, you'll have different objectives & some boss battles. You increase your undead hordes by "converting" hospitals & clinics, then you can return to the clinics to replenish your rotting army if they fall in combat (it's possible to lose one of your squads completely, but you eventually get them back after a while). Fairly straight-forward gameplay with a little bit of tactics involved but anyone can get the hang of it.

The highlight of the game is equipping your zombies with items you find after destroying certain buildings. Items increase certain stats, and some add certain bonuses, by being glued to corresponding parts of your zombies. Each of your 3 squads can be equipped separately, but all zombies in one squad will be identical. Some items are necessary to progress past certain spots of each level, and that can get tedious in later levels, having to re-equip them often, but it's still entertaining and often pretty hilarious looking at these wacky brain-eaters (zombie in a bikini with lava lamps for hands, a coffee pot hat, riding in a shopping cart? yes, it's as awesome as it sounds).

My only gripe is the camera angle, as there's only one. You can move it all over town and zoom in to street level, but you can't rotate it. Luckily, this doesn't hinder gameplay at all, i just would've prefered some more viewing freedom.

Difficulty is relatively easy, but some parts you'll have to take your time with, lest you get swarmed by retaliating citizens in later levels. Even so, the most difficult level won't take you more than 30 min to finish. That also means the game itself is pretty short, but it is a MINI, and it is cheap.

All in all, VERY entertaining and well worth the price.