A flying head that shoots stuff at aliens-_- thats alot to do with a zombie nation. Its stupid and not worth looking at

User Rating: 1 | Zombie Nation NES
i dont actully own this game, my friends dad had the NES and me and him played it some times.We played alot of mario bros, but then he found the cartirdge for zombie nation...yaaay.Well you start the game off as a floating head coming from a graveyard, makes complete sense. You go intonew york and randomly start to shoot every thing,and thats when i turned it off. The gameplay is VERY boring and overall its just..really bad.Why a floating head? When you look at the title it says zombie nation, but the game has little to do with zombies. Later aliens come into the picture -_-.Seriously this game is a disaster.Uhhhh.ill say one thing nice they gamplay is alright......for a while. Dont bother with this game...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-_-