Might be worthwhile, if there weren't much better options out there.

User Rating: 3 | Zombie Apocalypse X360
One stick moves the character. One stick gives direction of fire. There are powerups. There's some variety in enemies. And that's your lot.

And it isn't bad. Unfortunately, the gameplay's uninspiring, and there's no charm or drama or fear or humour. The best you can say is that the graphics are quite nice.

Unfortunately, this is the same basic gameplay as Geometry Wars, only not nearly as good. GW gives you absolute seat-of-the-pants action, with finely balanced gameplay and a soundtrack that sucks you right in. Zombie Apocalypse has none of these virtues.

All this has, that GW doesn't is Zombies. And if you want some light-hearted zombie action, go to Indie Games and download "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!!" - which is also a zombie-themed dual-stick shooter, but is also light hearted to the point of being hilarious, and only costs 80 points.

Seriously, for gameplay, go for Geometry Wars. For zombie fun go for I MAED A GAM3....