This game has so good quality in art originality and enjoyment

User Rating: 10 | Zeno Clash PC
I gave this game a 10 because of the 50% off i got from steam it was extreme great value for that price , not saying that paying 20$ is bad i think that's fair , but anyway the game itself will transport you to a fantasy theme u have never been before it is so refreshing to have new ideas coming into games this days but not only the art direction of the game is original it works pretty well with the story and the game play itself which is one of the best things , you will experience a one of a kind Fps fighting-game that is very challenging and fun to play , u can almost feel every punch u lay down unto your opponents , you can use guns but they are just there as a secondary option to defeat your enemies which is it could be useful depending on the situations and the guns design is very creative :) i fully recommend this game even thought its a bit short but for the price your paying more than enough