Kind of diffucult.... and strange..... but it was okay.....

User Rating: 7 | Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament PS2
I used to be a Yu Yu Hakasho fan(after they canceled on Cartoon Network.... Ba Humgbug). The game itself was okay for a fan with lots of characters, the storyline reflects on the show alot. But for a fighting game, it was kind of dissapointing. Sometimes it seemed a little two dimensional when you are fighting and the camera just was not working. Each character is different but has the basic punch, kick, jab, and block. But then you add combos to make it interesting. My favorite, Yoko Kurama. It was diffucult in alot of places. As a Yu Yu Hakosho used to be fan, I gave it a 7, partly of diffuculty, partly of used to be fanship, and partly cause it wasn' t such a memorable game.