With over 2000 cards – you know this is going to be good!

User Rating: 9.4 | Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters EX 2006 GBA
Yu-Gi-Oh! WC 2006 is possibly the best Yu-Gi-Oh! game to date. The GBA has been blessed with so many Yu-Gi-Oh! titles, and they have never failed. With the most cards (over 2000!) and with 25+ themed opponents to fight, as well as Duel Puzzles, Limited Duels, Theme Duels and Survival Duels, this game is worth every penny. For those who are unfamiliar with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, it may not be as enjoyable (at the beginning – you may find yourself constantly loosing against a seemingly unbeatable opponent) however for those who are fans and who know the TC game inside out, it’s perfect. For nearly all of the previous GBA Yu-Gi-Oh! titles the deck has been a problem, you could only have one or two, however WC 2006 lets you have 60 decks! That is an incredible amount! You can now create, rename, change as many decks as you want. The only problem is that you may end up overfilling your deck, trying to cram in all your favourite cards!
One criticism is that (once again) the Egyptian God cards are not present however their (somewhat weaker) counterparts are, Raviel, Hamon and Uria.
This game has everything from tokens, to spell counters. Konami really did pull out all the stops for WC 2006, and I am forever grateful.