Bound to make a Yu-Gi-Oh fan cry and a non-Yu-Gi-Oh fan laugh at this crap.

User Rating: 1.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom GC
This will be my shortest review ever. I wrote one, but IE messed up. Thanks Microsoft! Thanks god this game was only $5 at Gamestop.

Graphics: 5/10 - The monsters look good and look like their card counterparts. Some of them even have cool attacks. Everything else is crap. Battlefields are boring and so is everything else. Story: 1/10 - There is a story and it sucks. Evidently the Idiot game (Yugi and friends) and captured in a device that is emulating a world or some crap like that. You have to escape from said crap world.

Gameplay: 2/10 - The gameplay sucks too. It is slow and monotonous. Battles are way too slow and boring. Your characters move across the battlefield like a snail. Its all boring.

Sounds: 1/10 - Yeah a 1. The sound is too loud and sounds like a z-rate musician made it.

Innovation: 1/10 - Innovation? Where? This Game? Your kidding.

Controls: 3/10 - You can move stuff with the controls! Nothing complicated here. Though the controls could have been better.

Overall: 1.5/10 - This game sucks and should be buried with E.T. Yeah, I beat this game. Why? I had too. I am a completion-ist and it would have bugged me if I didnt beat it.

Rent, Buy, or Avoid - Avoid. Avoid it at all costs. Buying this game will haunt you forever. And so will your friends. Even if you collect video games (like me), make this a last purchase. It would only smear a good collection. If you did buy it, you should hide it.