Send me to the shadow realm!

User Rating: 1.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Online PC
I have tried to play this game twice, once on it's previous version and again about 4 or 5 months ago, I belong to a gaming guild and one or two of them seem to like the game, but I couldn't get into it.

It seems to be that Konami expect you to know how to play this game straight away, you get some helpful tutorials to start off with, but they aren't that helpful.

There seems to be a huge content of cards, the second time around when I played, some of the cards I had turned out to be illegal!

The graphics are okay, pretty standard to me but the game play isn't clear and there is always someone with a better deck, too many hardcore players for my liking even the non-player characters seemed to do my head in. They where too hard, the selection of cards I had, although a fair few, and I had a few already constructed decks didn't seem to do the job.

This is not my cup of tea! Time to play a real game.