Beats many other Yugi Card games

User Rating: 7.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour DS
Ive played many yugioh games for game consoles, they were all slow going or had the rules all messed up.........Nightmare Troubadour is diffrent. Starting deck is pretty decent and you can win most of your games at the start. The whole Battle City map concept is awsome, gives the game that tv show type appeal to it and your not just clicking oppents to battle over and over and over. This map style gives you more of a random chance of who your dueling. Later in game u add duelest as friends and duelest which is cool if you want to practice on the weaker duelest for easy KP. Game is decently long, as you have to buy lots of packs of cards to upgrade your deck to be strong enough to win the Tournys. A really great plus in this game is you can use the Egyptian God Cards, which kicks butt. The game is easy to play for those who know the game and for newcomers you could learn the game within an hour or so after reading the game manual. Card booster selection is good, only downfall is this game uses the new Forbidden Cards rule and so lots of the powerfull cards are now banned but later you can use 1 forbidden card in your deck which is a plus and most the forbidden cards have a "sister" card almost just as good. Worth buying if your into Yugioh or a good CCG game.