You'll never put it down once you start playing! A highly addictive game!

User Rating: 8.8 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour DS
This game is aweasome. I gave up playing Yu-Gi-Oh in like 5 th grade, (You know trying to be cool) But this game looked to aweasome to not get. I finally purchased the game and it was so cool. I remember when i was younger that i wished the cards were real. (I mean come on a real monster as like a pet. That would be Sick) Anyway I would recommend this game to anyone. Here's my review:

GAMEPLAY- Thr gameplay is pretty good. It can get boring sometimes, but you always want to keep going. Overall i give gameplay a 8 out of ten!

8 out of 10

GRAPHICS- The graphics are ok. Good enough to see the game. It would be nice for a little bit better graphics but its still aweasome.

8 out of 10

SOUND- The music is really cool. It can get you really pumped up and excited. I wish they had a soundtrack to the game. The music is basicly creepy halloweenish music, but i love it.
9 out of 10

LEARNING CURVE- This depends. So im going to say if you' ve never playerd then this game can take a while to learn. Like for basic play you can probly get it all in 2 hours. If you want to be amd advanced duelest it will take a couple of days to get really good.

2 to 4 hours