Yu-Gi-Oh! makes its way to the DS and it was well worth the wait.

User Rating: 8.1 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour DS
Although typically not a game that will win any awards like God of War, Advance Wars, or any other high end game, if you are looking for a game with a little pinnoche and some thorough thinking then Nightmare Troubadour is worth the money. Nightmare Troubadour is a much better improvement over some of the previous GBA titles. Although 7 trials is a very top tier Yu-gi-oh! game in my opinion. There are plenty of strategies that previous games did not have available such as the use of spell counters, a rather crucial element to any Dark Magician deck by today's standards. Overall game play was fulfilling there was plenty of challenges starting at the beginning of the cartoon series with Kaiba ending up with the Egyptian God cards. The number of cards available are insane, although few than some previous games I believe, plenty of old faces with alot of new comers around to supplement previous strategies. If you like the card game, and are looking for an easy time killer, and have a DS Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour is worth the time and money invested.