just what i wanted no more no less.

User Rating: 10 | Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX: Tag Force 2 PSP
a fantastic way to waste time and if that sounds wrong then isn't that the propose of all games to waste your time, anyway i love a good puzzle or anything that makes me work my lazy head and this game is just about perfect because you are constantly trying to find the perfect formula to defeat your opponents and trying to create the perfect deck of cards that will to ensure you emerging victorious out of each duel and that kind of deck is almost not existing because there always someone who have an anti card that is crucial to you and end up losing and even if you had a wonderful deck of cards a wrong shuffle can make the perfect creation of yours a useless stack of cards and that's what keep this game constantly unexpected and enjoyable and keep you always trying your best to beat you opponents that will also change their tactics and will always keep it very challenging for you and defeating a one of them will be really a hard task, get this game if you like strategic card games and that's all.