i never thought a game based on a TV show based on a TCG could be so terrible. apparently, I was wrong.

User Rating: 2.1 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler GBA
this game is a random board game in which you pick a character from the original TV show of Yu-Gi-Oh! your choices range from Yugi to Dark Magician Girl to Pegasus. to play, a picture from wherever you chose to play, from Toon World to Chicago, with platforms surrounding it, the platforms form an empty square with 5 pieces on each side, two corner-err... "Happening spaces"- and three colored ones-err... plain spaces. the game is played with four people, 1 human and 3 AI's, or, if you find another person with this game, 2 humans and two AI's, but it doesn't support more than that.. you play by first drawing a lot of cards, all monsters from the character you picked before's deck, ALL monsters... even kuriboh. none of the monsters actually have abilities, the usefulness of each card is based upon how much attack or defense the card has. to move, you simply pick up to six monsters, one for each side of a die, and roll it. depending on the stars of the monster you chose, you'll move that far, (one star=one space, 2=2, etc.) after rolling, you'll obviously land on a space, if it a plain space, you'll enter in a battle with the monster you rolled. you then have a choice of putting it in attack or defense, after picking, your opponent will place his in defense and both of you will roll again, except this time the dice have three affects, no affect, half, which simply halves the opposing monster's stats, and switch ATK/DEF, this causes the opposing monster to switch it's battle position, and seems to get rolled about half the time. if, your monster is in attack mode and has more attack than the opposing monster's stat, your monster takes the place of it and you gain points equal to how many stars it has, the game is normally set to 15, but you can change it to anywhere from 1-99. now then, if you happen to land on a happening space, you don't get a chance to battle, you have to do something, depending on the map, it'll be different. oh, and you have 4000 lifepoints, but there isn't any way to deplete that as the monsters you are playing with have under 1000

Gameplay - 1

completely uninspired, absolute waste of time you could be using to watch paint dry or count to infinity, this game would only be a little terrible if the attack/defense switcheroo move wasn't in affect, if your monster isn't in attack mode, there won't be a battle, so half the time, you won't get a space... even IF you land on it.

Graphics - 5

actually. the game uses the exact same type of graphics from the show, so that random cartoonish spirit is there, but that isn't really a great thing. and, other than the character sprites, nothing moves in this game

Sound - 3

of course, as with any Yu-Gi-Oh! game,the music is almost techno, but not, so it fails at being terrible at least

Value - 1

honestly, what kind of person would actually make this game? I mean, other than those who have already sold themselves out to the devil that is.

Reviewer's tilt - 2

considering that no-one from gamespot rated this game, its hard to actually state how tilted their reviews are