Yu-Gi-Oh! is a superb, intelligent card game. But the producers had to change that and make a lousy game.

User Rating: 5.2 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum PS2
I'm a huge Yu-Gi-Oh! fan and i must say that this game is not Yu-Gi-Oh!.

When you start this game, you can forget all about the fun and very strategic game of cards, because this one is a tactical monster fighting game. You are on a field, the monsters move in different directions and attack in different ways, just like a game of chess.

Don't get me wrong, i like a good strategy game, but where are the special effects of the monsters, the traps, the magic. All monsters have an attack, defense and a sign (earth, fire etc). Of course each one has a weakness and he is strong against one other attribute. And that's it.

I'm sure that the producers could have made the monsters a little more different (special effects). For example, when you attack a certain monster, the attacking monster dies, or is moved 3 squares back. Or, some monster should have had the ability to revive a fallen friend. Even the chess from Mortal Kombat Deception is more strategic.

I'm still waiting for a simple old fashion Yu-Gi-Oh! card game for the PS2.

If you expect a card game, don't buy this game. If you want a tactical one, i'm sure there are better games than this one, like Final Fantasy Tactics.