Konami drops the ball, AGAIN

User Rating: 4.2 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum PS2
The premise for this game wasn't bad in fact I rather liked the idea of it, but like every other original non-CCG Yu-Gi-Oh! game Konami tries (And I use that word losely) to put out they managed to over-complicate it and did a half hearted attempt a develping the storyline and gameplay. I my humble opinion one of the biggest and most frustrating faults in the game is the total lack of any way to train your monsters to make them stronger between matchs so if you didn't play a match perfectly to maximize your experience your S.O.L. If konami wants a largely popular YGO games it needs three things 1 To use the official rules and have a large assortment of cards since there is currently over 1800 cards in the CCG. 2 Have a good story line either original or take one from the show but for the love of God put some EFFORT INTO THE DIALOG! 3 If it's on anything other than the GBA put the effort into useing the graphic ability of the system and not just make another half-a$$ed card games like Dawn of Destiny was of the XBox.