Shoul be called Yoshi's Glory

User Rating: 9.5 | Yoshi's Story N64
Yoshi's Story is a game for the Nintendo 64, in case you missed it.

Many people including Gamespot gave this game an average or bad rating. What it should have been was way higher.

Yoshi's Story is a game about playing the many different Yoshi's traveling throughout multiple levels attempting to save your world from staying a storybook forever. It's an original plot! What's not to like about that?!!!!

The music is memorable(I think so anyways) and while the graphics may not be as good as the other games' graphics on the Nintendo 64, it's still good!

Sure, it's a quick runthrough, but hey, it has multiple paths and tricks to go through and so you can play it multiple times!
I remember having much fun playing through it as a kid, and it might not stick first playthrough, butthat's because it's a game you enjoy over and over again!
The fights are fun as well, and the traps and mazes are actually fun!(and don't have you screaming your head off, unless you are someone that does that with ALL their games).
Admittingly it's a tad on the easy side, but none the less Yoshi's Story is still a fun and underappreciated game.