The art style will make you smile no matter what... But the game has some strange difficulty balancing issues

User Rating: 8 | Yoshi's Island DS DS
I just recently played Yoshi's Island on the DS, and overall the game was great. I can't stress enough how excellent the art style is and the color's look FANTASTIC on a DS Lite. But the game still has some flaws, namely the difficulty. The story, well, it doesn't matter much, all the babies get captured and you must get them back, starting with just Mario. Each baby doesn't really affect gameplay much other than they may be able to access certain area's of level's other babies can't. The controls are super tight and you never feel cheated when you die (If you EVER die, I'll get to that soon...) as all Nintendo platformers usually do. So why is this game not getting a 9.5 from me? It's because the difficulty feels so unatural, I think I died once throughout the whole game if I just tried to go through a level, which makes it somewhat boring if you play it more than two hours at a time. But then if you try to get a perfect file, well, good luck, some of the coins and flowers you have to get are so freakin' hard I think I slammed my DS screen shut once (I never get mad at games, other than some RGP's :P). So your in a bit of a rut when you want to get more out of the game if you went through not going for the extras, and you'll have a hell of a hard time getting through the game if you want all the extra's. Overall I'd suggest a rental or borrow it from a friend, the game is to short/easy not getting the extra's, and I doubt you'll be getting all the extra's.