A great platforming game but can be overly frustrating sometimes, especially when you want to get every little thing.

User Rating: 9 | Yoshi's Island DS DS
This game has solid controls and levels are colorful and fun to play. A problem would be how the difficulty does not rev up gradually, but near the end it all of a sudden gets extremely difficult, especially the secret levels. This is a common thing with Mario related platformers though, and should not affect much of the fun involved. Nothing revolutionary here with a few new baby characters and collectibles, but it keeps the same great aspects of the original Snes version nicely. With all of the new collectibles and characters, it gives this game long replayability, which is always a plus to have in a game. The visuals in the game are not as good as the "chalky" visuals of its predecessor, but is still satisfying to look at with all of its colors. Overall though, it is a highly recommendable platformer for the Nintendo DS.