Can be fun, but after a while it gets boring

User Rating: 7 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
Yoshi Touch&Go: A nice warm-up for what the DS is gonna bring us. Good or bad? Read this review!

Gameplay: The best part of Yoshi Touch&Go. You do everything with the stylus. Tap on Yoshi and he jumps, Tap somewhere on the touch screen and he shoots, draw a circle around an enemy and he becomes a bubble, and the most important thing, draw lines to make lines of clouds which Yoshi can walk over. This is quitte good if you ask me.

Graphics: 2D, but good 2D. Animations are good, it's nothing special but just good.

Value: I've played Yoshi Touch&Go for like 4 weeks, and then i got bored. Why? Was I stuck in some level? Was Yoshi just sleeping everytime I wanted to play? My stylus turned into a mushroom and I had to play it with my fingers? No, no and no. The problem is, there isn't a story, so you can't get stuck on that. You can do only 4 different types of games, which really sucks because 2 of them are boring as hell. The only way you can 'beat' the game, is getting a really high highscore on one of the gametypes. Who wants that? Well, I don't.

Conclusion: Yoshi Touch&Go is nothing more than a funny minigame. Can be fun, but first rent it.