one of first ds games. its crap-tastic!

User Rating: 3 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
ok i brought this. thinking "omgz yoshis island rocks! this is a squeal. this was waaay before YI2. so im thinking, d-pad movement nothing special. and then i realised all you do you is draw the path! yoshi is on rails and is a complete dumbass so fk him. one hit your dead. you start from the begining. extra lives or game overs? no just a lash of repeating the same level. which would be ok if there were loads of levels, but no. theres only 2 levels and 2 locked ones. there isnt a story its just getting yoshi as far as you can. i never tried mutiplayer but it probaly sucks. so the game would be okay if you payed a fiver for it or downloaded it. BUT NO you pay 30 QUIT for a 4 leveled game!!!!!!!! WTF, nintendo you have really let me down