Yoshi Touch & Go features some unique and innovative gameplay but unfortunately there isn't alot to back it up

User Rating: 7.2 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
Yoshi Touch & Go started out as a tech demo to show off the unique functions and capabilities of the Nintendo DS, but Nintendo decided to make it into a full game, for full price. Thats there first mistake because Yoshi Touch & Go does feature unique and innovative gameplay but the problem is that there isn't a lot to back it up.

The gameplay is both unique and innovative. Basically there are two types of levels, vertical and horizontal. In the verticle you have to guide Baby Mario down to the ground safely by drawing fluffy clouds that let him collect as much coins as possible and avoid enemy's. Fortunately there is a way to attack the enemy's, you can also draw circular clouds around them and if you do it in the right size the enemy will turn into a big ball with a coin or 2 in it (you will get a different amount of coins depending on what type of enemy it is. In the horizontal levels you control Yoshi, guiding him over gaps using the clouds to prevent him from falling, using his jumps to get more coins and using his eggs to attack enemy's. However Yoshi dosn't have unlimited eggs, you will have to find different types of fruits to replenish his eggs. There are various types of fruits such as banana's, watermelons and grapes (theres a few more as well).

There are also 4 different gameplay modes for you to play in. Score Attack, where you have to try and get the highest score in the given two levels, Marathon which is one verticle level and then a never ending horizontal level where you have to travel the highest amount of yards as possible before either getting hit by an enemy or falling down through a gap. The other two you will have to unlock by getting the highest score in both of the modes above (marathon and score attack). Yoshi Touch & Go is surprisingly hard. In the verticle levels if you get touched by an enemy just once you will collapse and then you will be given the option to either start on the horizontal level again or start all over again on the verticle level which can be frustrating at times. In the verticle level Baby Mario has 3 balloons on his back, each balloon symbolizes a life, if all three are popped you will have to start all over again. Yoshi Touch & Go is definitely not a game that you can just pick up and play and be instantly good at.

One of the highlights of Yoshi Touch & Go is the graphics which are very well done. Pretty much everything is done with equal detail. The backgrounds are all well done, the enemy's are just as detailed as Yoshi himself and Baby Mario. Even the eggs that Yoshi launches out are surrounded with a super sonic wave. The sound is also done very well, all the voice acting (there isn't much but anyway) is good, and the soundtrack while nothing special matches the gameplay quite well.

The thing about Yoshi Touch & Go is that you can finish it in about 4 or 5 hours. It may be hard but in 5 hours you should be able to get the high score in all the modes, and thats pretty much all you do, you get the high score and try to beat your score over and over again, unless of coarse you know a friend that has a DS along with Yoshi Touch & Go you can play multiplayer which is pretty fun.

When it comes right down to it, Yoshi Touch & Go is a fun game, but there isn't enough lastability. After you've seen what the game has to offer you will get a little bored with it, and after about 10 hours of gameplay (if that) you probably won't come back that much anymore. But if you do have a DS, you should consider trying the game out, but just don't expect it to last too long.