the best game to use ds'es touch screen

User Rating: 9.5 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
game play use your stylus /finger to draw clouds and guide b.mario down to the side scrolling part touch to get to scores but fun i saY nintendo is great revolution sounds good sound the music is ok there is not many effects only dings and clicks and when you blow in mic a blowing sound all are ok but id say they should have made it different graphics 3-D elements in a 2-D side scrolling world the best 2-D game out now ! 1 reason nintendo should do a couple for gc this way value there is 2 modes available at start which are hard to pass a top score to unlock 2 more modes -moderate but still a great game plus it has multiplayer tilt get this if your like me which you have most of the ds games out even if you dont you shouild buy it is a must have