The most under-appreciated game of the year.

User Rating: 9.3 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
I am having a hard time figuring out why people aren't giving this game rave reviews. I own every system out, and I am by no means a Nintendo fanboy, and I simply love this game. The 2d graphics are fresh and have a fun style. The sound matches the graphics and theme perfectly. The gameplay is top-notch. This control scheme simply works. Once you play the game for a while, all of the controls make sense. Nintendo has sucessfully blurred the line between a strategy/puzzle game and a 2d platformer game. If you are looking for a 2d platformer sequel to Yoshi's Island, or Super Mario World, then you are going to be dissapointed with the lack of variety in the levels (because thats not what this game is all about). But if you are looking for a puzzle/strategy game you are going to be pleasantly happy with the amount of variety in the levels. I honestly think that Nintendo shot itself in the foot when it came out with this game as a tech demo. Now all of these editor's that saw the game as a tech demo at last year's E3, keep seeing the game as a tech demo. I think they forget the feeling they first had when they played this game. This game is a nice flashback to the days of mastering a game to try to get the top score, instead of blowing through a game to get past the final level. Thats why I think it's replay value is so high. There is really no such thing as beating the game. This is my favorite game of the year so far for any platform, and my favorite portable game since WarioWare for GBA.