This title's lack of a story mode should not result in its automatic branding as a poorly thought out tech demo.

User Rating: 8.9 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
I believe Yoshi’s Touch & Go is the best thing the DS currently has to offer. Many have stated that this game lacks substance and doesn’t continue the story line associated with the Mario series. And this may be true. Still, That doesn’t make it a poor game. This title stands out from the rest of the DS’ library simply because it offers something never before seen in a video game. That is what the DS is all about. Yoshi’s Touch & Go, with its randomly generated stages, has quite a long lasting replay value, which makes me very excited about owning it. I’ve spent hours already trying to perfect the way I guide Baby Mario down through the sky. Then I keep Yoshi safe from all harm for as long as I possibly can and you know what? It never gets old! That is what makes a great game in the long run. I think Nintendo did exactly what they planned to with this title. They gave us an experience unlike current generation games in every way. If anything, I believe a story mode may have detracted from the truly infinite replay value of this game by bringing a false since of closure to early on the life of the game. Feel free to disagree with me, but I think this is one of Nintendo’s best titles in a while.