good game

User Rating: 8.5 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
ignore all the people who have only gave this low marks because it is one of the best games on the ds so far.It has great graphics,is fun to play,good sound and is fairly hard in my view so you won`t complete it in 1 day like warioware or project rub.This game has used the touch screen the best out of all the ds games so far.It really shows what the ds can do and is probably my favorite ds game so far.Mario 64 does not really use the touch screen much apart from the mini games,project rub has few mini games and warioware depends way to much on the touch screen and many of the games require you to do the same things but with different sceniorios (not spelt right i know).So all in all taking into account this machine is a touch screen but thats not all it can do (warioware) i`d say this is by far the best overall game to date