User Rating: 5.6 | Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru NES
Dont get me wrong, ive got nothing against Domino's pizza, its really tasty, but introducing the Noid was simply an annoyance! The Noid apparently was a villainous red suit wearing character whose man goal was to ruin your precious Domino's pizzas. Hence, the Noid became the mascot for Domino's, though ironically the Noid was suppose to ruin dominoes Pizzas? A tad confusing. Though it was mean to be a cute, innocent entertainment for customer, The Noid actually cause some people to worry a bit. It Also lead to a situation in 1989 where a man actually believed the Noid was against him, leading to a huge hostage situation, but at the end everyone was safe. But, if you thought the Noid was annoying enough, what better way to make you feel more worried than to play YO! NOID!!!!!

That right, apparently this mediocre Pizza Character manage to convince
Nintendo into making a game about the Noid, thus making YO! NOID! Though originating for a japanese game called "Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru" having the same feature and levels, but later was changed to Yo! Noid. The game is about the Noid, no surprise there, going around New York area battling against his other Nemesis, Mr. Green! He'll go through 14 different changes collecting Scrolls, power up and other stuff. Ofcourse the Noid's got other weapons and gadget for his usage, such as the yo-yo, the skateboard, and the annoying device which destroys Pizza..the Pizza Crusher!!...it nothing just a pogo stick with a paper weight really! There are ofcourse Bonus stages that allow you go one on one with other Noids in Pizza eating contest, to see who can eat the most pizza. Ok, i played this game, and although i really hate the Noid, the game is not that bad, but also not that great as well. Colourful background, cute sounds, but what annoyed me was the fact that The Noid had no Health bar and one touch from and enemy and your good as dead. Sometime i hate issues with the controls, and level can sometime annoy you! Yo! Noid was not a great game, but it was an effort to introduce Pizza mascot into the gaming world. Hey, one thing i like about this game though was the fact that, Yo! Noid's gaming manuel had a $1 off coupon for Domino's pizza.. pretty neat. I still love domino's pizza despite having that Noid feeling, however i wont Avoid the Noid, ill Avoid "Yo! Noid"