One of the hardest NES games. Addictive? A little bit. Fun? No, infuriating.

User Rating: 5 | Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru NES
Noid is a man rabbit that looks like he's out to eat your children. If you're not discouraged by the title screen, then you'd better be prepared for a frustrating, enraging, controller crushing time. The first level has fish that kill you if they get anywhere near you. How the hell are these fish jumping so high out of the water, or a brick floor? I have no idea, but it pisses you right off. The other two baddies from the first level are the seagull and an old man.

Anyways, you attack your enemies with your super yoyo; it doesn't do anything if your one on one with an enemy, your quick baby eating hands can't kill him before they run you right over. After every odd level(1,3,...), you play a pizza eating mini game. The pizzas look like potatoes and the entire thing is pretty pointless.

The controls seemed pretty decent until I jumped onto an ice platform in the second level. Sometimes you fling in the direction your trying to walk, or sometimes you'll walk in place for a few seconds before you actually start to move. This, added on to all the frustration that comes with the gameplay makes you want to throw your controller through the screen. Don't even try jumping over enemies, if you get anywhere near them, your dead.

The one hit death and shotty controls make this game as difficult as it is. If you jump onto a platform with water a good half an inch of your screen under you, you'll fall in, I don't understand. The gameplay does have it's fair share of flaws.

Yo! Noid has a story line and sound up standards for the time. The gameplay is dodgy, but tolerable. For a really hard game and one of the creapiest characters I have ever seen on NES, Yo! Noid gets a 5.0.