Your King of Review just swallowed a frog after playing this piece of crap!

User Rating: 1 | Yaris X360
Where do I start, Lets see ummmmm hhmmm. This game is like a use worn out.... your imagination can fill in the rest. This is by far one of the worst games I have ever played and am ebarassed to even have in on my play list.

What drew me to it was nothing at all. My brother called me from the states and said did you ever get that free game. I was like ya right, a free game. Everybody knows microsoft rapes us for a dollar here and there in every way possible. Anyways. Turns out it was free. I was like okay cool.

Then I played it. After playing such a horrible game I wanted to throw my xbox out the window and flail it to death with a spiked bat. Poor gasoline and then set it on fire.

Microsoft, how dare you give us this. It doesnt even matter if it was free. Your just lucky I didnt pay for this piece of crap or we would have an incident like the movie office space.

Look guys this game is insulting to any type of gamer. There isnt enough beer and drugs in the world that could make this game even worth a decent play more then five minutes. How about they give us a decent game for free for all the nickel and diming they do.

This game has some vibrant color that a baby would like to sit and look at but guys dont even waste your time. There is no redeeming quality to this and it is embarrasing to say that you even downloaded it. Man If I could delete it off my my games played list that would be great.