A game that says: "Go buy a Toyota Yaris!"

User Rating: 3.5 | Yaris X360
The game has horrible graphics that remind me of the NES. The gameplay, from what I played, is driving a Toyota Yaris around. I went to try online features only to realize nobody in the world was online in the game but myself. Luckily it's free, because nobody was going to make any money by putting this on the Arcade.

They look like that of a NES.

You get to drive a car! But just driving isn't always fun, unless its NASCAR.

Once you play it, you will delete it and forget it.

SOUND: 3/10
I didn't really pay attention to the sound in the 8 minutes I spent playing this game, but I'll just give it a 3. I'm guessing the car made noises.

OVERALL: 3.5/10
The only people I would really reccomend this to are Gamerscore Whores, who are willing to pick up this game just to get the 200 gamerscore.