While not as great a game as shenmue its a welcome addition to the FREE genre created by Shenmue's maker-Yu Suzuki

User Rating: 8.5 | Ryuu ga Gotoku PS2
Remember Shenmue? Maybe you don't but if you do then your probably a big fan and remember that game fondly. We haven't had a sequel to shenmue since the second game hit 5+ years back but for those of us who love the way shenmue plays we have a new game from sega that is quite similar-Yakuza. It is similar in many ways, you walk around and explore and talk alot. It plays just like shenmue but with some improvements like weapons (guns, chairs, tables etc) also obviously the story and characters are different and it takes place in more recent times. Its a much more gritty game-lots of foul language and violence. The graphics are good-nothing spectacular but they're fine. Sound is fine-dub isn't to bad. Where the game excels in my mind is gameplay its a fun game to play simple as that. The only thing is I wish they had kept the QTE system and allowed for a bit more exploration and voice acting. Highly recommended for shenmue fans and for those of you who enjoy this-get shenmue also!