Too bad we won't know how the story ends

User Rating: 7.5 | XIII PS2
Warning: The opinions expressed in the following review are NOT endorsed by anyone at Gamespot or any professional reviewer. I'm not paid for my reviews and I do them for fun. They may contain: Foul Language, Violence, references to farts, A lot of references to the word "Poo" totally bodily function loss, or possibly the total collapse of civilization as we know. Oh also reading these reviews you may feel the need to toss a Midget or start a Midget fight. There is a longer list of things that could happen but I don't feel like posting them here. You have been Warned.

Name: XIII

Platforms this game is available on:PS2/PC/XBox/GC

Platform that this game is being reviewed on: PS2

Publisher: Ubisoft

Developer: Ubisoft

Genre: Sci-Fi/FPS

Difficulty: Just Right

Learning Curve: 20 Minutes

Number of Players: 2

Online Players: None

Online Modes: None

Offline Modes: Story Mode/Competitive

Release Date: 11/18/2003

ESRB Rating: M

ESRB Description: Blood/Mature Violence

Score: 7.5 out of 10

This game was released 11/18/2003 to tremendous papillarity (SP). I'll admit I was really looking forward to this game it had a lot of promise. when it came out on the 18th I got it and even though it was real good for that kind of genre it was a major disappointment. The Storyline was real hard to follow, and it seemed that the bosses were real cheap. In this game you play a hero who has no memory of who he is ironically his name is that also of the game, Thirteen. The main premise of the game is that like I said before you have no memory of who you are. But one thing is sure the president was assassinated and you are on the run. I won't get into it that much I don't want to spoil it for anyone. This game also sports some well known voices such as: David Duchovny, Adam West, and Eve. This game gets a M for Violence. It gets a 7.5 out of 10 because even though it was basically a run in the mill first person shooter it was cell shaded which is a nice change. and even though the story is hard to follow if you can get into it than it'll keep pulling you back. The downside of the story is that you finally get a clue about who you really are than the game ends and says "To be continued" but what really sucks is that after they said that Ubisoft canned the sequel so I guess you will never know how the story ends.