Boring single player and the multiplayer is kinda fun...

User Rating: 6.5 | XIII PS2
Its looking like its going to be a great game while your playing the first few levels, half descent story and the cel shading looks really cool. But it just seems to drag on and on, doing the same thing over and over again. The graphics do get a bit...well i got bored of em quickly. The weapons variety is the usual selection, rocket launcher, sniper etc. The grapple was a good addition to the game and was used well.

Multiplayer. Sure its the usual stuff like death match, team death match etc. but it just seems really fun to other multiplayer games!

Conclusion. I got my copy for 3.99 and it was worth that, but i still gave it back to em and put it on store credit (blockbuster) . To repetitive and lacks that sever quality that couuld of made this a great great game!

(Sorry about the shortness of this review, its my first!)