This game is too under- rated, it actually is very good

User Rating: 10 | XIII PS2
"xii is no differant from other FPS games" this is what many have told me. Well, i took the time and effort to go and buy this game at my local games store. I came home, put the game in my PS2 and was expecting a total piece of crap, but, when i first started playing, i was thinking "WOW!" " This game is bloody awesome"! The graphics are pretty good, and the gameplay is fantastic, whenever you shoot someone in the head, a little box comes up on your top right hand corner showing you the stages of the headshot, which is just so cool. You get a good choice of the weapons that you use, and best of all, its all in a comic form. ( Be warned though, just because its in comic, it dosnt mean its for litle 3 year old boys) The controls are easy to master and there is 2 player co-op, 2 player deathmatch (and more) and there is even online gameplay. BUT, it dosn't end there, when you go into multiplayer, if you don't play online, you can play with bots and play team death match and stuff like that with them! This game wonderful and i would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a fun FPS. Cheers guys