User Rating: 7.3 | XIII XBOX
I think gamespot is pretty accurate on this judging the gameplay wasnt that great it was worth playing but most of the time the challenge was very stupid like cracking people over the head with shovels so they wont yell alarm to 2 guards that are nearby I mean cmon! This game was pretty kewl but just wasnt worth the action as there was rarely any because alot of the game dealt with stealth. I mean this guys suppose to be a top notch killer on the run instead of killing everyone on sight were protecting police officers trying to kill you because they are "innocent". I really think it could have had more action in it. and also may I ad the really only thing to look forward to in this game is the storyline its the only thing that keeps you wanting to play is to find out whats going on and what is going to happen next but even that isnt even enough tio keep me playing Its worth renting but not worth buying espicially if youve beatin the game REPLAY VALUE IS 0! So just give it a spin because this game really depends on your likes and dislikes if you like stealth with a bit of action to take out enemys that block your way and hide the bodys in a corner well this game is fit for you. Also last comment the cell shading isnt that great because it takes away from the blood effects and bullets and smoke explosions and stuff like that but its not a true spoiler.