Great for Xiaolin Showdown fans. My friend and I play it all the time . It is all action, but no adventure, which is bad

User Rating: 8.5 | Xiaolin Showdown PS2
One of the funnest multi-player games I have played. You may play as one of the 4 Xiaolin Monks, and as you progress through the game, you can unlock two villians, Jack Spicer and the ultimate evil Chase Young, as playable characters. It is fairly easy to win, but when you do win it, you can re-play levels and showdowns complete your collection of 30 usable Shen Gong Wu, and test out your new characters. The only downfall of this game is the lack of adventure. If it was action-adventure, it would be perfect. Each character has their own unique moves, like, the monks have their elements, wind, fire, water, and earth, Jack has, well, sissy attacks that totally fit him, and Chase, who transforms into an ancient reptillian creature to take down any enemys around him. The voice of the characters are also the same, except for Dojo, whom they got someone who dosen't even sound like him in the TV show.