A good game for fans of the show.

User Rating: 7.3 | Xiaolin Showdown XBOX
I personally am a fan of the TV series and was quite quick to go out and buy this game and when I put it into my Xbox it was somewhat not as much as I expected but close, close enough to make me be happy with the game. The game needs better graphics and maybe a bit more solid controls and better collision detection, but overall it is a fun game to own. The game lacks in variety but makes it up in the 30 different Sheng Gong Wu available to be purchased/obtained and then being able to strategize what 3 Wu you will be taking along your journey, the story mode isn't that great, but the Showdowns are just great, I love them. For an ordinary gamer just looking for a game, this game is a good rental, but for a fan of the show who has friends who are also fans of the show, the game is a good buy for you.