Not the kind of RPG for some fans. Or if your a Euro gamer and your first time playing it.

User Rating: 7.6 | Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose PS2
Should strap line have confused you, its actually the subtitle to this, the thrid instalment in an RPG trilogy that first began on PS1 or PS2.(Jenseits Von Gut und Bose translates as Beyond Good and Evil). A spawling role-playing game, its got enough plot and dialogue to send even the most ardent Final Fantasy fan into a spain. You'll encounter powerful mechs,piloted by philosophical types who speculate on the nature of life and humanity- when they're not blowing each other to kingdom come.
The gameplay is very different for Dragon Quest or Sudeki or any other RPG you played, You can do some powerful moves if you have the cards(abilities and moves) in battle modes.
Xenosaga 2 is deep, engaging and involeing, but bot the prettiest of the longest. For Fans of the series are in for a treat but other RPG fans or serious gamers may not find there cup of coffee in this game.
For Euro Fans you find Xenosaga 2 is the first game to hit Europe which can be disappointing you'll be wondering what happend in the first one.