What the ... ?

User Rating: 6 | Choukou Gasshin Xardion SNES
Okay, I don't know what the programmers of that game smoked but it must've been awesome stuff. The ingame conversations and the story are just plain stupid, nonsensical and weird.

As if that wasn't enough, the controls just suck since your character moves so slow that it's a pain in the ass dodging the enemies and enemy bullets. Some bosses are just insanely hard because of that ... oh and did I mention that the bosses are really weird, too?

Well now for the good part: The graphics & sounds are ok, also the different locations (planets) you visit are quite interesting (and weird of course). If the controls didn't suck so hard the game would be rather fun to play since you can morph into 3 different characters with different abilities...

SPOILER: One of them dies the most stupid death ever later on (some might think of suicide), but gets insta-replaced of course ^^ SPOILER END

I don't know if that game was ment to be that weird but it definitely is weird. Nonetheless, it's rather fun to play, not because of the gameplay, rather because of the nonsensical story and conversations and the freaky bosses. You might wanna try it if you like weird stuff or if you want to investigate the effects of hallucinogenes on video game programmers.