This X-Men game was too short and was too repetitive with the different moves and enemies.

User Rating: 5.3 | X-Men: The Official Game XBOX
In X-Men: The Official Game you get to play as the three unique characters Wolverine, Iceman and Nightcrawler. They each have there seperate and unique moves and attacks but they all lack substance.
Gameplay- The gameplay is somewhat fun the first time through the game then begins to make you become bored of the repetitive enemies and moves that you come across. Most of the game doesn't relate to the movie at all. Graphics- The graphics are "so so" but lack key qualities. The best graphics are the characters and enemies and that about it. The background and the bullets of the guns are very poor. Sound- The sound is good but could be better.
Replay Value- Not worth replaying. It will be one of those games that you just put away and never touch again unless of course you are selling it.