X-Men: The Official Game ... If its Broken (which it is) Don't Buy It.

User Rating: 4.5 | X-Men: The Official Game X360
As a follower of the X-Men from comic books through to movies I deceided to give this game a chance despite the less than sparkling reviews and lack of respect video games made from movies tend to get. Here's my Good, Bad, and Overall:

The Good - X-men 3 did not have nightcrawaler in the movie. In this game I got to literally kick butt as the teleporter. It was the most fun I've enjoyed in the game.

The Bad -
1) Only three characters can be used, Wolverine, IceMan and Nightcrawaler. Storm and Colossus made appearances but its as a sick-kick backup role.
2) There are tech pieces, you know like Halo skulls, scattered throughout each mission to make things interesting. There's no challenge in finding the pieces since they are sometimes placed right in front of you. I got a feeling that it was an after thought from the developer.
3) Within missions there are certain goals that have to be met. There's no autosaving after finishing each goal. So ... if you happened to get killed just before completing the entire mission you have to start over. Tough Luck.
4) Boss fights are lame.
5) Ice-man's character is a cool character once you get use to him but finding the tech pieces (especially when you're on a timed mission) sometimes becomes impossible. Sometimes I was forced to ignore the tech pieces, finish the mission of the highest level to get credit for it, and then replay the mission on the lowest level to obtain the tech pieces.
6) Graphics remind me of the orginal XBOX console.
7) The three characters have separate missions in which they must accomplish. The three are not interchangeable within missions.

Overall - I'm being generous by rating this game a 4.5, that translates to a D+ in my book. It a good game to rent for the weekend on a rainy day.