User Rating: 5.2 | X-Men: Next Dimension XBOX
This game could have been SO much better, but it fails in so many ways... After seeing X2 I bought this game because I was hyped up on the X-Men kick and wanted a fighting game where I could use mutant powers and fight the likes of Sabretooth and Mystique and Magneto. Unfortunately I was quite disappointed with the so-called 'finished product'. This game seems either rushed or incomplete...the worst aspect being the complete lack of sound. Fights are completely silent...punches and kicks whirl away without the slightest sound. Bodies are thrown and impacts make zero noise. I don't know how this game got past quality assurance, unless the team was deaf and dumb. OCCASIONALLY you might here a punch connect or a character groan, but most fo the time all you hear is music. Sometimes a character will say something as they fight, but usually the fights just go without a single sound. The special moves usually have some sound, but not all the time, making for a bizarre gameplay experience. The difficulty is INSANELY HARD. I hate easy games but Next Dimension is so incredibly tough that you'll just walk away in frustration. Some of the fights are intense, but most of the time the computer just blocks and blocks and blocks and then unleashes a MASSIVE combo on you that kills you in the blink of an eye. This game could've been so great. The Mutant Academy games for the PSOne were excellent, but Next Dimension just falls short in every respect. Despite having Patrick Stewart as the voice of Professor Xavier, having over 20 different X-Men (and an X-Box exclusive character Pyro), 8 costumes per character, a great story-line, interactive and destructable levels and great special effects, the game just doesn't deliver. It seems like they wanted to get the game out really quick for some reason. The graphics are pretty sub-standard, and the game is just not fun for so many reasons. I rather wish I didn't pay full price for this game, but I suppose i'll give it a shot. But overall, this game is just not that great. Only Die-Hard X-Men fans like myself need apply, but even then most people would be turned off by the games mediocrity.