User Rating: 2.3 | X-Men: Next Dimension XBOX
Hey, cool! A new X-Men game! That was my attitude until I actually attempted to play this… thing. First, the good points: Patrick Stewart reprises his role as Professor X, albeit in voice only. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, on to the bad points. First and greatest of all this game’s sins? It plays like tar. Tar covered in mud with a side of molasses. I might’ve been able to overlook a few of the other glaring problems with this game if it had at least had responsive controls, which most people consider essential for a fighting game. No matter your skill, this quickly becomes a game of “button mashing”. Sure, there are several characters, but none of them play a whole lot differently. They just don’t have a distinct personality; would you expect the Juggernaut to “feel” the same as Storm? I sure wouldn’t. The graphics are another strike against the game. I will say that the cut scenes were fairly well done, but the rest of the game is just… well, blah. The characters aren’t well rendered at all, and the backgrounds (which are quite varied, location-wise) all feel same-y. It leaves one with the feeling that the coders just didn’t try very hard. While I usually love alternate costumes, the ones that are provided here are just atrocious. Who wants a red and grey Wolverine? Lastly, the sound is horrible, save Capt. Picard doing his thing. The mix, at the default setting, is a true “what was wrong with them?” moment. The movies are loud. So loud, in fact, that they’re clipped and distorted; clearly, the mastering was done by an old coffee filter that was having a bad day. The in-game effects are so very bland they don’t really merit a mention. The music is somewhat orchestral and entirely out of place. Overall, this is a terrible game. Not even the license can save it. To actually buy this game is one of the seven deadly sins, I’m sure. After “playing” for about 15 minutes, I was thoroughly convinced that developers no longer have a quality assurance standard to go by. Or the QA people hate me. One of the two.