Solid game, seemingly shorter than the original, but way better!

User Rating: 9 | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse PS2
When i first got this game i thought to myself that it was going to be as long and exactly like the first one. I was wrong; but for the better. Not only can you start out playing 4 characters, the special items you pick up are actually almost spelled out for you. I liked the fact that it was seperated into acts and that each act had a certain amount of missions to accomplish. I rather enjoyed the ability to go back and replay virtually any level by way of the Xtraction points. They got right down to it as far as characters go, all the ones you would need to do things in the game from Storm and Magneto flying, to iceman forming bridges, cyclops for leadership, nightcrawler for teleporting and definitely Wolverine for his just all around ability to kick some serious butt. Even the 3 hidden characters were cool ones and had certain uses that made this game more enjoyable! definitely going to play this game over.