Fans of the new fun Wrestling games...get dissapointed.

User Rating: 3.5 | WWF WrestleMania Challenge NES
This game isn't quite absymal, but isn't enough to be be good. By far the worst thing about this game is the controls, you need more than an A and B button to play a wrestling game. Most moves consist of holding down different buttons in different positions and that's not really a special move. The only point at which the graphics are good is when it shows the wrestlers you can select and showing your bruises and blood when it asks you for a rematch.
When it shows you what wrestlers you can select the graphics are good but its haunting for someone (like me) who is not homosexual, because of the unappeal of freaks flexing their muscles. But if you want a real haunt, flick through the instruction manual to see the real shirtless wrestlers flexing *shudder.* The wrestlers you can select are: Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake, Ravishing rick Rude, Randy Savage, Jim Duggan, Big Boss Man and Andre the Giant. I know two of them.
What's the best thing? 2 players. Just fight eachother. Actually it's only fun because you've got someone else to laugh along with. If you're looking for a retro wrestler, pick up the GOOD SNES wrestling games.