Just Bring It Is A Nice Game. It Has Some Cool Stuuf In It But Isn't As Good As Its Sequals.

User Rating: 9 | WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It PS2
This may not be the perfect game you are looking for but it is certainly a great game to give your child as a gift. There are very good points and there are very bad points in this game. Many people like the game because of the very improved graphics and game play. There is also commentary this year but they do get repetitive. The entrances improved with a high amount of points, at least in my view.

While this is the best Smackdown game released yet, it is still not the best. There will be better wrestling games but if you wanted to choose from Raw Is War and Smackdown, Smackdown is the one to pick up.

Graphics : The graphics improved drastically from the previous game. It also looks a lot more realistic. This makes the game more fun and enjoyable for the player. The wrestlers look fantastic but it won’t be able to compete with the Raw Is War graphics. The reason is simple, Raw Is War makes there wrestlers look more realistic. But don’t count this game out just yet, the graphics are still incredible. Once you look at the entrances, you will be like “WOW!” The entrances look so real that you may think it is the real thing. If you were to compare this with the very first Smackdown, you would notice a huge difference. The graphics will probably catch the eye of the buyer.

Sound : Though the entrances sound beautifully done, the commentary gets very repetitive and annoying. Sometimes, they will say stupid things that don’t even make sense whatsoever. Once you get the game, you’ll love it, but after a few days, it will be so annoying you just want to pop your own CD in and listen to it. Though, the sound is better than the previous two games because it did not have any commentary. The sound is also much clearer than any wrestling game you will see on the market.

Game Play : The most important part of a game is the game play. If a game doesn’t attract the player’s eye, how will it sell? Well, THQ has done a great job on the Smackdown series game play. Each and every year, they improve it, and this is yet the best job they have done before. More and more different moves you can choose from. The more features backstage makes it fun to explore. Now, here’s where the game starts to go down. It’s when you do a finishing move, your opponent gets up way too fast. It is nowhere near No Mercy where once you did a powerful move, they stay down. That is the most important thing they need to fix. Why? Because I have talked to many people that say it stinks that you can’t keep your opponent down after a very powerful or a finishing move.

Now, let’s begin with the modes.

The controls are basically the same, still very simple. That’s good for the new Smackdown fans because they can learn in a short period of time. This time around, you may do both of there finishers (If any) which is a very good thing.

Well, once again, THQ can’t make a very good story mode. You have to watch repetitive promos which get very boring the second or third or even the ten thousandth time! If only the story mode would last longer, it would be a very great game. If there is ever a Smackdown 4, then I hoped they have learned to make the story mode longer. Maybe combine Smackdown 1 and Smackdown 3 where you look at other opponents cards but you concentrate on yourself the most.

This will probably be the best wrestling game you will see until other Smackdown game releases or until another great game by THQ is made. This is probably one of the better wrestling games so if you do have a Playstation 2, I hope you will get this. Put this on your Christmas list and if you don’t get it, then just buy it with $50. Trust me, it is worth it. You will get addicted if you play too much, so make sure, just play when you have free time.