WWE Smackdown VS.Raw 2008 is a decent but somewhat dissapointing addition in the series.

User Rating: 7 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 PS2
The Good:Great graphics. Fun gameplay.Create a superstar and other create modes are great.This one has the best soundtrack.

The Bad:24/7 mode is repetive.Commentary is still unchanged which makes it poor right now. The roster is missing allot of superstars.

The Smackdown VS. raw games have always been great. But this one seems to be missing some stuff that the other games had.Now lets talk about the good things. The soundtrack is perfect. Im pretty sure people are (even as i speak) buying the Smackdown VS. Raw 2008 soundtrack right now. The create a modes are good but 2009 beats the create a modes in this one through a brick wall. But its still pretty good for this one. The gameplay is still fun and the graphics are still good, even for the PS2s age.

The bad,though is they added a new 24/7 mode and it sucks. It gets repetitive. How do you like seeing the same cutscene over and over again during the story. Also the roster is missing allot of superstars. (Boogey man for example) Perhaps the worst thing in the game is the unchanged commentary that they been using for years. Now its poor and at least PSP owners wont have to deal with it. Overall,WWE Smackdown VS.Raw 2008 is a decent but somewhat dissapointing addition in the series.