This game is cooler then I thought it was going to be. I think this one is the best in the whole wrestling games

User Rating: 1.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 PS3
The graphic are very good made and looks real.
more cool stuffs has been added to do this .
I never like to stop playing it to because I love it all and I want my created player to win to be champion.
The tattoos are crap, I was disappointed with that.
The entrance was well made, but whne creating a superstar there was something wrong.
but overall this game is about perfect and so far it is the best wrestling game i have ever played.
This game is cooler then I thought it was going to be.
I think this one is the best in the whole wrestling games so far
I am surprised that it's rated 6 in here , it should be rated 7 or 8 at least.
I will buy it but I may not buy the new that may come next year becoz it may not be what I likeso yup yup.