SvR08...Not so great...but still fun if you're a fan!

User Rating: 7.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 PSP
I love the wwf/wwe smackdown and SvR series! But time after time ever since the first SvR game for PS2, it feels like nothing will change anytime soon. SvR08 is a good game. Not great but not horribly bad where you would switch to TNA just to get back at wwe (sarcasm). The PS3/360 version in this case fair much better than the PSP counterpart.

The Gameplay is like 2007 only with a few new touches. The 8 fighting styles give a lot of specificity of the wrestler's character but you sometimes wonder since we could low blow or steal a finisher with everyone in past games why change it now imo, but it's a good start. Ultimate control and regular grapples are the same. At times when i locked up in a heavy grapple and right away entered the input for the suplex...the person i controlled would move to the direction i pressed and grab open air. =/ Weird. In tag matches, due to the lack of a 2nd analog stick...the controls to call in managers and your tag partner are controlled by holding r and pressing the corresponding d-pad button. sounds simple right? WRONG! b/c the holding of the right trigger is the only way to execute heavy grapples you will end up calling your partner or manager everytime you try to execute a move. I mean...this killed it for me. THQ must have idiots testing and checking these b/c the smae problems are never addressed each year or made worse...and dont get me started on 07's audio...=/ (search dx entrance in 07 and listen to the announcer introducing them...or is it only...him? ooooOOOooo)

The graphics also tend to be recycled each year. The models look the same give or take new attire but im really annoyed that they dont take time to at least change colors or something for everyone. And i think evry1's had enough of them not changing HBK's attire. also, in CAW mode...when i tried to put tattoos or move items from default positions, when playing them in a match the tattoo would suddenly appear elsewhere. so i had to go back and put it there so it would be in the right place next time i played. wth was this? Also, does anyone else notice in the PS2/PSP versions that the lights for the entrance stop when the wrestler enters? ie lets say you pick mark henry. his entrance has this bright blinking white light. well once he appears on screen the light stops blinking. i know it sounds minor and maybe im a bit picky but that annoys me so much since i think entrances make or break the authenticity of the game. Strikes are the same and like 85% of the animations are the same. THQ is getting really lazy but they know (and i think we know too) that as long as they are the only ones making a wrestling series then its either them or nothing. (But I recommend Fire Pro or TNA if you want others)

Other than these's pretty much is a good wrestling game. The gameplay is the same as past games, graphics are the same (good?!), everyone's theme was in this time, and it's really great for wrestling fans.

The story mode was...okay. You take your CAW or superstar and take them through a whole year in wrestling. You get to do things inbetween shows such as interviews or dates. But things is you have to rest which automatically gives you a -15 in popularity which you need to get a championship. and since doing extra things like dates do build fatigue, you will constantly need to rest. GM Mode is back and is better since it includes dates and interviews from story mode. GM Mode is good but story mode is hit and miss. I found it okay but cutscenes had you shake hands wiht a guy that just tackled you 5 secs. ago. wth? I just ended up playing GM Mode more b/c story mode was just okay...restarting there is no new strylines. just new people in place. so yeah...GM Mode>Story Mode imo.

If need to get this game...yes need...not play ECW extreme rules. Audience members had you weapons to use and you get a "plethora" of weapons under the ring to use from kendo sticks to tables and chairs. The audience area with the scaffholding from 07 is here too. This match along with the chamber, cages, and tlc just make it worth while in my book, if you dont mind some quirks in the game.

Overall, i think this game was okay but this would not be good for people just getting into this series. It might be more "simpler" to execute finishers and run around...but the gameplay was better before. If you have a chance, pick up 07 or 09 if you can. The story and gameplay were okay but 07 09 and even 06 were better and have all the match types. If you're a fan, get it. If not...stick to the console versions or get 07 or 09.