worse wrestling game

User Rating: 4.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 PS3
theres no new matches in the game, well there is a ecw extreme rules match which is the same as a hardcore match. Theres just so many things wrong with this game, for one the lack of roster, another example, most of the time you hit a wrestler it doesn't even looks like the hit connects. Online play is the poorest online play I ever seen. The game will freeze up like ever 4 seconds on it.

Now to story mode, its basically the same stuff over and over again. Like your wrestler will walk past other wrestlers on there way to the ring, or your wrestler will be shown lifting weights in his locker room, or your wrestler will accidently walk in the divas locker room. That just spoiled over 80% of the cutscenes to you. Another bug in it is evertime a wrestler comes from there entrance theres a 15 second loading screen.
When the game does have storyline detail you could be feuding with edge, then out of the blue your fighting cena, its just stupid. I wish I could say 09 be better but i just found out you can only play 6 wrestlers in storyline mode. These wrestling games go down in 1 year to 20 bucks so if you just got to have it get it, but if you just kinda want it wait a year and save 40 bucks