Not what WWE game should be like on DS

User Rating: 6 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 DS
So, it's the first time WWE have put a game on the DS, but it's not what I think, a WWE game should be like on DS...

GRAPHICS - 7/10 -
You can easily identify different wrestlers, oh I'm sorry, "superstars" in the game if you are a up to date viewer of WWE. The wrestlers are a bit choppy and could do with a bit of smoothing up. Suprisingly accurate entrance scenes and the rest of the visuals are ok.

SOUND - 6/10
I was disappointed that Here Comes The Pain didn't have any commentary, but this now doesn't even have cool funky music in the background! It just has the crowd which can occasionaly chant your name when you're fighting quite well and the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from your opponent.

This is were it went wrong. I will start with the gameplay in the ring. The top screen basically the body damage, and the bottom screen shows the action. To perform moves, there are 3 instructions on the screen which involve your stylus. These take a few slobberknockers to get used to. One type of move is attack, the other is a grapple, then the other is just a grapple move.

I wish they a kind of old school Here Comes The Pain or Shut Your Mouth feel to it. Where you control your superstar with the D-Pad and execute moves with the touch screen. Maybe R could be run and when you get near the turnbuckle, you use your stylus to climb onto it. This would have been a more fun way of playing then this way. This way is very repetitive and can get too boring.

Season mode is quite annoying. You're in first person mode and you can go around places like in Shut Your Mouth, but unfortunaely, it's more restricted. You can search around everywhere for 'time' and you can use that 'time' to train and increase stats. What happened to fight-increase stats-have a cool rivarly with Vince-then fight again? It just seems plain and boring!

OVERALL - 6/10

Well, not much fun at all if you ask me! Could of been an awesome addicting game which was simple and fun, but it wasn't, and that'' how most DS games fall down into the Pit of bullcrap! Because they fail to the point of the DS!

Thanks for reading, BackInCrack